
The conference will cover the following exciting research areas:

  1. Theory of basic processes in dusty plasmas
  2. Modeling of dusty plasmas
  3. Diagnostics of dusty plasmas
  4. Voids and instabilities
  5. (Complex) Dusty plasmas as model systems
  6. Plasma synthesis of functional nanoparticles
  7. Dust in fusion devices
  8. Microgravity complex plasma research
  9. Two-dimensional complex plasmas
  10. Atmospheric pressure plasmas with Aerosols
  11. Magnetized dusty plasmas
  12. Space dusty plasmas
  13. Dusty plasmas for industrial applications
  14. Non-electric manipulation of particles in plasmas

Based on abstract submission, these topics and contributions will be divided over the sessions in the program. 

Moreover, during this tenth version two special sessions / workshops will be organized:

  1. The 10-year celebration of PK-4
    ESA and DLR will jointly organize a special session to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of PK-4 microgravity research. Organizer: Hubertus Thomas (DLR)
  1. Workshop on dusty plasmas for semiconductor industry
    To highlight the importance of dusty plasma research for the semiconductor / photolithography industry, a workshop on this topic is organized by ASML. Organizer: Mark van de Kerkhof (ASML&TU/e).

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